About TBIO
Tanzania Bio-Electronics Information Organization(TBIO) is a
non-Governmental Organization which is voluntarily established,
legally registered, non-political and a Body Corporate with a common
seal and perpetual succession capable of suing and being sued
acquiring property and disposing of the same.
The activities of the Organization confined to Tanzania Mainland
including but not limited to the thematic areas as follow:
(1) Advocacy (2)
Democracy (3) Human
Rights (4)
Technical assistance
(5) Disability
and Development
(6) Networking
(7) Data
collection, analysis and dissemination
(8) Policy analysis and development (9) Sports
and recreation (10) Health.
TBIO vision is to envisage a society with effective and efficient
health systems and services for realization of healthier community
well being.
To enhance equality accessibility of health care delivery through
skill capacitating, information management and facilities
development for sustainable livelihood.
TBIO was formed as another player among many trying to bridge the
gap in the health care system in the country. A thorough
observation through situational analysis of the health care system
culminated in the need to establish a parallel organization that
will support the efforts of the government towards provision of
quality health services.

Being new as it is, the organization registers its achievement
through the long track records of its founder members who have vast
experience in diverse areas and disciplines such as Medical, Medical
engineer, Instructor, Information Technology, Lawyers, Project
Management, Disability experience etc.
All these members plus other co-opted members are pooling together
their knowledge and skills in and converge the same in one major
goal of supporting provision of quality and inclusive health system
in the country.